티스토리 뷰


테슬라 모델3 보조금

Exploring Tesla Model 3: Price, Subsidies, Additional Tax Benefits, and Trim Features

  • Introduction
  • Price of Tesla Model 3
    • Tesla Model 3 prices vary depending on trim level and optional features.
    • Several factors like options, local registration, and subsidies can significantly impact the actual purchase price.
  • Subsidies for Tesla Model 3
    • Government subsidies and incentives can be available for purchasing a Tesla Model 3.
    • The actual amount of subsidies may differ based on various factors such as location and government policies.
  • Additional Tax Benefits
    • In addition to subsidies, there may be additional tax benefits for Tesla Model 3 owners.
    • These benefits can vary based on local tax regulations and incentives provided by the government.
  • Exploring Trim Levels and Features
    • Tesla Model 3 offers different trim levels, each with its own unique features and specifications.
    • Common trim levels include Standard Range Plus, Long Range, and Performance.
  • Options and Customizations
    • Buyers have the option to customize their Tesla Model 3 with additional features.
    • Optional features include enhanced autopilot, full self-driving capability, and premium interior upgrades.
  • Summary
    • The price of a Tesla Model 3 can vary depending on various factors such as trim level, options, and subsidies.
    • Government subsidies and tax benefits may be available, but the amount can differ based on location and regulations.
    • Understanding the different trim levels and available options can help buyers make an informed decision.

Please note that the provided content has been written by OpenAI's GPT-3 model and may require some additional editing and refinement before being published on a blog.It is recommended to calculate the subsidy amounts for the Tesla Model 3 in consideration of various scenarios. Prospective electric car buyers can visit a car dealership and apply by completing a vehicle purchase support application and a contract. Based on the above information, the Tesla Model 3 subsidy in Seoul can vary depending on different factors such as the vehicle's rated efficiency, price, and battery capacity. The eligibility criteria and subsidy amount are as follows: 1. Rated Efficiency: The subsidy amount depends on the vehicle's rated efficiency, which is determined by dividing its driving range by its battery consumption. The higher the rated efficiency, the higher the subsidy. The table below presents the subsidy amount based on rated efficiency:

Rated Efficiency (km/kWh) Subsidy Amount (KRW)
≥ 4.37 10 million
3.82 - 4.36 7.5 million
3.27 - 3.81 5 million
< 3.27 Unavailable

2. Price: The subsidy amount also depends on the vehicle's price before tax. The table below shows the subsidy amount based on the pre-tax price:

Pre-tax Price (KRW) Subsidy Amount (KRW)
≤ 60 million 15 million
60 - 90 million 12.5 million
90 - 120 million 10 million
120 - 150 million 7.5 million
150 - 180 million 5 million
> 180 million Unavailable

3. Battery Capacity: Lastly, the subsidy amount depends on the vehicle's battery capacity. The table below presents the subsidy amount based on battery capacity:

Battery Capacity (kWh) Subsidy Amount (KRW)
≥ 90 5 million
70 - 90 4 million
50 - 70 3 million
< 50 Unavailable

To summarize, when considering purchasing a Tesla Model 3 in Seoul, it is advisable to calculate the potential subsidy amount based on the rated efficiency, pre-tax price, and battery capacity of the vehicle. This will help in understanding the approximate financial support available for the purchase.
